11 Ways You Can Support Local Businesses in the CSRA

by | Apr 9, 2023 | Support Small Businesses

These days it’s more important than ever to support small businesses. Did you know that when you shop local you’re not just boosting the local economy? You’re also supporting your neighbors and giving back to your community!

There are so many ways to show your support for locally owned small businesses and most of them don’t cost a cent!

Here are 11 ways you can help support locally owned small businesses and make an impact right here in your own community (10 of them are free!)

1. Make a purchase

Let’s start with the most obvious way to support a locally owned small business – shop there regularly. By purchasing products that are made locally and sold by small businesses, you’re supporting the entire local economy. From groceries to gifts, make it a point to make at least one of your purchases each week from a locally owned small business!

2. Buy a gift card

Don’t need anything from a small business right now? Consider buying a gift card or 2 for a later purchase. This helps the business today by giving them some immediate revenue.

Need a last minute gift? Keep a small supply of gift cards handy and it’s a win/win! You’re supporting local businesses and it also encourages the recipient to shop there, too.

Who knows? They might even become a lifelong customer, too!

3. Ask for a punch!

A punch card that is! Many small businesses offer loyalty programs that reward their regular customers. Joining these programs not only saves you money, but also supports the business. Here are a few local small businesses that reward their customers for their loyalty:

(does your business offer a loyalty program? CLICK HERE to send us a message and we’ll add you to the list! 

4. Get social!

Be sure to like and follow your favorite small businesses on the social media platforms they use most and keep up with their news and events. When you engage with their content by liking, commenting on, and sharing their content, you help spread the word about what they do!

You also signal to that social media platform that their content is valuable which helps gives their other content a boost in the feed. The more visible they are, the more potential customers they can reach!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, too! We’re always sharing content from our small business community!

5. Send them new customers

See someone online asking for a recommendation? Send them to your favorite locally owned, small business. Tell your friends and family about your favorites and encourage them to shop there, too.

6. Spread the word!

If you’ve had a great experience with a local business, be sure to leave them a review on Google, on the Shop local Augusta business directory, and on social media! Spread the word far and wide when a business has gone above and beyond!

7. Send them a direct message or email to let them know how they’ve made a difference

Receiving a heartfelt message as a small business owner is invaluable! We love to hear when our customers are happy …so please don’t hesitate to drop your favorite businesses a quick note and show them some of that #shoplocalaugustalove

8. Subscribe to their email list

Sign up for their email newsletters so you can keep up with what’s happening with them and be the first to know about their special events and promotions. Lots of businesses offer discounts and deals that are exclusive for their email subscribers, so be sure to visit their website and sign up for their emails!

9. Give them (constructive) feedback

Small businesses wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for loyal customers …and a single negative review can seriously damage their reputation and cost them future business. If you’ve recently had an experience with a small business that left a lot to be desired, do them a favor and give them the benefit of the doubt!

Reach out to the owner and let them know how your experience could have been better. Give them a chance to make it right instead of immediately blasting them on social media.

Running a small business is hard and they may not have the same resources as larger businesses, so please be kind. Your support and understanding can go a long way in keeping a small business afloat.

10. Ask them what you can do to support them

Each business has individual needs and what helps one might not do much for another, so reach out to your favorite local businesses and ask what you can do to support them! They’ll be glad you did!

11. Attend their events

Many small businesses host events, such as book signings, art shows, or live music nights. Attend these events and invite your friends to come along, too.

Supporting locally owned small businesses is an important way to contribute to your community and create a better future for everyone. Use and share these 11 tips when you #shoplocal, you can make a difference in the lives of the entrepreneurs in our community.

Together, we can show Augusta that #shoplocallove and spread the word about these amazing businesses that keep our community growing.

Let’s continue to come together to ensure that small businesses can continue to thrive in the CSRA!



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